A wonderful bit of Chinese wisdom asks:
“When is the best time to plant a tree?” The answer is “20 years ago,” but the next best time is right now.
If you’re reading these words, I’m convinced they were meant for you, and our timing is perfect!

My new book Remember – A Little Book of Courage, Comfort and Hope is now available!
Read a preview here
Order now on Amazon.

Remember – A Little Book of Courage, Comfort and Hope
Remember – A little Book of Courage, Comfort and Hope is a personal diary of encouraging observations, blending optimism and honesty to remind you that storm clouds pass, dreams do count, and you’re here to live a purposeful life.
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Begin with Yes – A Short Conversation That Will Change Your Life Forever
Law of Attraction, Meet the Law of Action! Begin with Yes is all about setting things in motion. Taking small steps every day to get unstuck and open new doors. In this short, engaging conversation CEO, counselor, and motivational speaker Paul Boynton maps out a surprisingly easy, logical, and liberating route to a better life.
Available Formats:
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Be Amazing: Discover Your Purpose, Conquer Your Fears, and Fulfill Your Potential
Be Amazing is a motivational and inspiring call to action for people who want more out of life, guiding them and helping them discover how to be amazing in their everyday work and personal lives.
Available Formats:
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Begin with Yes: Nighttime Affirmations – Dream with Intention
This book provides inspirational thoughts to inspire you to dream with intention. Keep it on your bedside table, ready and waiting for you each night as you go to sleep. You’ll be joining people from all over the world who are making “nighttime affirmations” part of their bedtime routine. Let your intentions penetrate your dreams.
Available Formats:
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Beginnings: A Daily Guide for Adventurous Souls
Some of my favorite posts from the “Begin with Yes” Facebook page. These quotes will remind you to move forward with small steps, remain hopeful and adventurous, and to surround yourself with positive people and ideas. They’ll remind you that you and your dreams are not only essential, but are gifts to be nurtured and shared with a world that needs them now more than ever!
Available Formats:
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Can music change your life?
Check out Living with a Dream, my new inspirational music compilation, and get a free download of “This is Just My Day Job”

“Paul Boynton shows how a few thousand tiny ‘yes’ responses add up to one giant ‘Oh yeah baby!’”
~ Alice Ripley, Actress & Tony Award winner
A Begin with Yes Guided Meditation
The Begin with Yes principles have helped thousands achieve their goals and are incorporated into this beautiful and relaxing guided-imagery meditation.
Align your subconscious thoughts with your actions to create the life you’ve always wanted and so truly deserve!