Be A Rainbow In Someone Else’s Cloud

Be A Rainbow In Someone Else’s Cloud

No matter how alone you feel, know that you always have help. You always have rainbows in your clouds to help light your way and give you hope. But remember that sometimes, someone else’s clouds may need you to be a rainbow. Always be prepared to offer support...
Would You Trade Ice Cream For A Dream?

Would You Trade Ice Cream For A Dream?

Sometimes our biggest dreams can be scary to put into action or even talk about with others. I’m not sure why exactly that is, but I have a feeling it is because we are afraid of falling short of our dreams or being judged by others. Can you imagine where we...
Are You A Kind Stranger?

Are You A Kind Stranger?

If someone were to ask you, “What makes you a kind stranger?”, what would your answer be? Take some time to think about that, and if you are unhappy with your response then make sure to do something nice today to become a kind stranger. If you are happy...
Are You Your Own Worst Critic? Try This!

Are You Your Own Worst Critic? Try This!

Why is it that we can be so quick to give others compliments and support, but just as quick to doubt and demean ourselves? It is a social conundrum that is very difficult to explain and possibly even harder to escape. What if we could see each other the way we truly...