Inspirational Film Awards
No matter how alone you feel, know that you always have help. You always have rainbows in your clouds to help light your way and give you hope. But remember that sometimes, someone else’s clouds may need you to be a rainbow. Always be prepared to offer support...
Inspirational Film Awards
We all have regrets. We’re all guilty of letting time slip away as we wait for the perfect moment to chase our dream. The only problem is, sometimes time gets away from you and before you know it, those dreams you have turned into regrets.You can change that!...
Inspirational Film Awards
We’ve all been there. We want so badly to feel happy and be positive, but we are in a negative mood that we can’t seem to shake. Sometimes we get so focused on that negative mood that our yearning to be positive and happy starts to get overpowered. That is...
Inspirational Film Awards
Sometimes our biggest dreams can be scary to put into action or even talk about with others. I’m not sure why exactly that is, but I have a feeling it is because we are afraid of falling short of our dreams or being judged by others. Can you imagine where we...
Inspirational Film Awards
This is a wonderful example of what happens when you put action behind your passion. Your life gains meaning and you feel more alive than ever! Simon Cowell, co-founder of the Wildlife Aid Foundation, is personally rescuing a deer who had been hit by a car. You can...
Inspirational Film Awards
We’ve all been told that we will never be able to do something. We’ve all been told we’re either too short, too heavy, too weak, too young or too old to accomplish a goal. And here is the miraculous part: many times, it’s the voice inside our...
Inspirational Film Awards
At a high school in Chicago, a student conducted a social experiment and recorded the reactions of fellow classmates and teachers as she told them they are beautiful. I apologize for the few instances of inappropriate language, but this video was so beautiful that I...
Inspirational Film Awards
We all need an encouraging word or a kind conversation now and then, and patients in hospitals usually need those sorts of things more than most of us. Support means so much coming from a loved one, but there’s something unique about it coming from a stranger....
Inspirational Film Awards
A seemingly simple gesture made many years ago in a Holocaust concentration camp clearly made a world of difference to the recipient. This story gave me chills; the good kind of chills! Francine Christophe was a young girl when she and her mother were imprisoned in...
Inspirational Film Awards
If someone were to ask you, “What makes you a kind stranger?”, what would your answer be? Take some time to think about that, and if you are unhappy with your response then make sure to do something nice today to become a kind stranger. If you are happy...
Inspirational Film Awards
Get out the Kleenex – they sponsored this video for a reason! Nurses are very special people who have a unique type of compassion for others. NICU nurses take that compassion to an extra level. Renee, a NICU nurse in Marietta, Georgia treats each and every baby...
Inspirational Film Awards
Every animal deserves to be loved – regardless of age and ability. Sherry Lynn Polvinale of Gaithersburg, Maryland believes that philosophy wholeheartedly. She founded House with a Heart and has opened her home to serve as a retirement sanctuary for senior dogs...
Inspirational Film Awards
How many times have you been told that you can’t truly love someone else until you love yourself? It sounds like a simple request, but it can actually be very difficult. This woman took matters into her own hands and stood in a public place, blindfolded herself...
Inspirational Film Awards
Why is it that we can be so quick to give others compliments and support, but just as quick to doubt and demean ourselves? It is a social conundrum that is very difficult to explain and possibly even harder to escape. What if we could see each other the way we truly...
Inspirational Film Awards
Have you ever wondered how far your dog may go to stay by your side? There is no love quite like the unconditional love of a dog, and to them, you are always their #1 and you always come first.They don’t love what you look like, they love the essence of who you...
Inspirational Film Awards
This is a powerful public service announcement about domestic violence. Although the transformation is done with makeup and an actress, its impact is very real. I wanted to share this because I was very moved by what I saw, and I know that this is a real issue for way...