How many times have you been told that you can’t truly love someone else until you love yourself? It sounds like a simple request, but it can actually be very difficult.
This woman took matters into her own hands and stood in a public place, blindfolded herself and wore only a bikini. Then she held markers in her outstretched hands, inviting strangers to draw hearts or other loving messages on her body. I cannot imagine how much courage and vulnerability that took, especially since she too struggles with self-esteem. The response she received was heartwarming and encouraging!
I am not asking you to stand in a bikini in the middle of a public place, but what I am asking you is this: list five things you love about yourself. Next, find the courage and vulnerability to share them with someone and ask them to share something they love about you. Add it to your list and post it someplace where it can be a constant reminder of your best qualities and please, accept yourself and believe those things are true. You deserve it!