
What a heartwarming story!

Alex Lyngaas spent a year making a secret video of his mom, Eva, to help her find love, and now he’s sharing it with the world. He posted it on YouTube and it’s getting lots of attention. Her reaction is priceless, and although the results of search aren’t in yet, the the number of young women who are interested in dating him is amazing.

Good luck to you Eva, and it looks like you’re an amazing woman to have raised a son who would do such a thing for this mom.


Here are Alex’s words:

“I would like to introduce you to my mother, Eva, who´s single and deserves a good man. And I would like to thank her for being so brave that she let me post this video, and at the same time exposing her to the world. Please be kind to her and everyone else, including animals. We all deserve to be loved:)”