
Wall of Loving Rememberance

Photo: Benjamin M Williamson www.facebook.com/BenjaminMWilliamsonPhotography

Together we have learned that at the beginning or in the midst of any new and unfamiliar journey, it’s important to remember with love those who have transitioned from this physical plane. We remember those who have encouraged and loved us as we once were and nurtured us into becoming who we are now as we make our way onward.


We have learned that we never really get over devastating loss. In the thick of it, we almost stop breathing; sometimes even wishing we could. And we know deep within that we will never be the same. Yet, one day we feel the sun on our face again. We find ourselves smiling at a child or a joke or a memory. And at that moment, we realize we are finding our way back. Changed forever? Yes. But also softer, deeper, more vulnerable and more loving too. And we are breathing again.

Wherever you are in the process of breathing again, I hope you will take a moment to leave a note of love and gratitude on this wall remembering those who travel beside us, not visible to us physically but always present in our hearts.


NOTE: To leave a tribute to a loved one: Click in the comments box below and login with a social media account. You can also add a picture by clicking on the image icon ImageUploadIcon-sm that appears below the comments box.