

Welcome to my blog! I’ll be adding more Begin with Yes stories here over the coming months so please check back!

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” So please add your thoughts or comments on my blog and together we’ll build a stronger community!

We All Need Somebody To Lean On

We All Need Somebody To Lean On

Like the song says: We all need somebody to lean on. Think of three people you know you can lean on. Then share this song with a simple note that says, “Thanks for being there. I’m here for you too!” It may be just what they need to hear!

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The Same Mary

The Same Mary

Hear “The Same Mary”, written by Kathy Hussey, a beautiful tribute to her grandmother. You can click on the pic to hear the song, and if you enjoy it you can hear more like it and get free downloads at The Moore Center's website for it's elderly programs, Moore Options for Seniors. Just look for the “Life in the Years” compilation.

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The Parable Of The Donkey

The Parable Of The Donkey

Read this simple story about learning to let things go. Cultures who teach their children through the stories of elders have deeper values, and valuing the wisdom of the elders creates more respect. We could use more of that today.

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I Am An Animal Rescuer

I Am An Animal Rescuer

For many who rescue animals it’s a life-long passion and commitment. The sacrifices and love are part of their DNA. Their unconditional love for animals is only matched by the unconditional love the animals offer in return.

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God and Lawn Care

God and Lawn Care

God said to St. Francis: “Frank, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is going on down there on the planet? What happened to the dandelions, violets, milkweeds and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. But now all I see are these green rectangles.”

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What Is Love?

What Is Love?

This question has been asked thousands of times, yet we all struggle to put the best answers into practice. They say, “practice makes perfect”, so I thought I’d share my thoughts and ask for yours so we can all get better at being more loving. After all, “love makes the world go ‘round!”

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Toby’s Bath

Toby’s Bath

This video is for those of you asked for an update on our new puppy, Toby. I gave him a bath after he came back from playing in the snow and mud at the dog park, and apparently my drying job left a little bit to be desired!

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Closets Are for Coats, Not People!

Closets Are for Coats, Not People!

For a long time I thought “the closet” was invented for gay kids, but I now know that I had plenty of company among the coat hangers. As it turned out, it wasn’t just me, but just about everyone I knew had hidden part of who they were in an attempt to please others, meet expectations and be accepted and loved.

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Living With a Dream

Living With a Dream

Can music change your life? This music can! Start with a free download of “This is Just My Day Job”. My goal with Begin with Yes is to inspire people to act, and my new Living With a Dream compilation is about using music to inspire that action. Even a small step or...

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Newsletter 9-5-14

Newsletter 9-5-14

For those not on my mailing list, here's a copy of the newsletter from 9/4/14:    

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Welcome – A Look Behind the Scenes

Welcome – A Look Behind the Scenes

There have been so many things going on behind the scenes for Begin with Yes including a beautiful new web site, a redesign for both my Facebook and Twitter pages, the unveiling of my very own “Begin with Yes” YouTube channel and the formal release of my amazing new...

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Here's where you'll find links to my past newsletters:   Click on a date to view the newsletter: January 2015 February 2015 March 2015You ought not to take Cialis 100mg with a high-fat supper since it will reduce the pharmacy-quality.com suitability of the...

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