
For all the bad that happens in the world, I like to think there are just as many heart-warming stories about supportive people and communities. It’s up to us to make these feel-good stories become an everyday reality!

Sharon Carter is a baker and the owner of Mrs. C’s Cupcakes in Penrith, Australia. She is also an ovarian cancer fighter, wife and mother of 4 children, 1 of whom has a degenerative disability. Upon hearing of her story and financial struggles, a local radio station decided to surprise her with some money to help cover her medical and business expenses.

I dare you to watch this video and not be smiling by the end. This grand gesture is not something many of us could afford to do, but the fact that there are people out there who are willing and able to do something like this is inspiring. I think we all can offer our support to someone who needs it, no matter how big or small. Who will you help today?
