
As the President and CEO of The Moore Center this video hits home. We serve people with developmental disabilities, including Down syndrome and autism, and have many parents and caregivers who come to us at their most vulnerable times. We’re there to provide a variety of life-changing services for their child or the individual they care for. 

That may sound wonderful, and it is, but just because The Moore Center is there for our clients does not mean that we make everything better and every bad day disappear. We see parents and families experience feelings from significant heartbreak to joy and pride as the realities of their loved one’s disability re-shape the hopes and dreams they once had for the future. We support them when they get derailed, change course, or adjust to new hopes and realities. 


Every day I’m inspired by our clients, their families, and our employees. Although Kate, the mother in this video, is not affiliated with The Moore Center, her story is similar to so many of our families. Her raw and honest feelings reflect the challenges felt by parents of children with autism. Although there may be good days too, it’s the bad days in public that cause people to take notice. I hope it inspires you to have a bit more compassion next time you see a family in your community who’s facing challenges you may not understand. 

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