
blankslate-cropThe main thing stopping us from starting over is believing we can, so believe you have a clean state and you will. But a clean slate is only good if you do something with it. 

People always ask me where to begin, and I say the easiest step is a good place to start. So pick up the chalk and write just one word. Really think about it first, but write just one word that’s related to your new life story. After you write your word, decide on the easiest step to get you started on your new life story. 

Here'sYourChalkThat one small step will get you moving toward making things happen, and each small step will lead to the next. As long as you keep taking those next steps you’re new life story will be written before you know it! I know you can do it, and you know you can do it too. Here’s your chalk, so take the first easy step and write your one word!

Maybe this video will help inspire you!
